Auto Body Paintless Dent Repairs – Dallas Auto Paint

#1 Best Auto Body Paintless Dent Repairs - Dallas Auto Paint

We Tend the Dent: Auto Body Paintless Dent Repairs in Dallas

Some things can be simple and exquisite. Even for auto body repairs. Such as PDRs or Paintless Dent Repairs which Dallas Auto Paint can do quite effortlessly, considering we are in the motor vehicle repair business.


What are PDRs?

Auto body paintless dent repairs in Dallas are repairs made on dents or dings incurred by your poor vehicle from hail and any other way your motor vehicle may be struck by an equally hard particle, like getting hit by rocks, having a motorcycle or another vehicle crash into your car or auto, denting that beloved vehicle of yours.

If the dents are not that deep, maybe only surface and the paint hasn’t peeled or chipped, auto body painless dent repairs in Dallas are implemented. Our technicians will determine which method to use.

At the moment, there are two auto body paintless dent repairs in Dallas:

  1. Underside treatment. A metal rod is used to push the metal back in place from the underside of the auto body panel.
  2. Outside treatment. Glue and tab are used to pull the metal back in place from outside the body panel.

Our team of mechanics and finishing specialists will assess the most suitable method based on the condition of your car. We have to determine whether these are surface dents, minor dents, and not awesomely deep dents and dings. If that was the case, we can use auto body paintless dent repairs.


The Value of Paintless Dent Repairs

Hail is notorious for creating such dents. If the paint is not peeling or chipped, perhaps, using paintless dent repairs can restore your motor vehicle to its original look.

Paintless dent repairs were invented in the 1930s when the era of huge, rambling, shiny cars were in vogue. Understandably, this was first used in car assembly plants.

Car enthusiasts were meticulous about preserving the authentic paint of their vehicles, especially when they experienced dents. The mother of all remarkable inventions is indeed necessity, and that’s how PDRs became popular. When excellent car repairmen and finishers were on the job, amazingly enough, the original car paint can be retained.

Paintless dent repairs can thus be called an art and a science, for like a master carpenter, you have to know where to hammer, for you are only given that one shot to do it right. Do it wrong and you will have a worse dent, if not an additional dent, and the original paint may give way – defeating the whole purpose for paintless dent repairs right from the start.


Call us Anytime and we’ll be at Your Doorstep at Once

Suffice it to say, we at Dallas Auto Paint know our paintless dent repairs business in its totality. We are given that one shot to determine the right spot to hit with that metal rod (underside) or using the tab and glue (outside) so we may preserve the structural integrity of your beloved motor vehicle.

We are truly that carpenter who knows where to position the nail expertly before we hammer anything. One shot is all it takes. With our technical knowledge, we would precisely determine the optimal placement for the metal rod, glue, or tab.. Allow us to show you what we can do.

Visit us at Dallas Auto Paint now with your motor vehicle that needs tending. We are here to tend the dent.

Aloha Auto Repair



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